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Festivals and events

'Dive' into the life of the cheerful Southern Italians and 'give in' to their fascinating joie de vivre and hospitality!

Here is a short survey of some interesting and worthwhile festivals and events on the island of Sicily.

Festivals and events

'Dive' into the life of the cheerful Southern Italians and 'give in' to their fascinating joie de vivre and hospitality!

Here is a short survey of some interesting and worthwhile festivals and events on the island of Sicily.



Carnevale di Acireale - an experience of a special kind

The carnival celebrations at Acireale, which take place between January and February, are said to be the most beautiful in all of Sicily.


Festa di Sant'Agata

Festival in honor Saint Agatha, Catania’s patron saint (here: in the Cathedral square of Catania). The Festa di Sant'Agata at Catania is one of the most important religious festivals on the island.

During the three-day procession, men carry the statue of Sant'Agata through the streets; they do not sleep and they take only short breaks for eating and drinking to keep up their strength.




At Modica's "Chocobarocco" festival, which takes place at the beginning of March, artfully designed chocolate creations are presented by the town’s numerous pasticcerie.

The technique used for producing Modica’s famous chocolate is said to have been used already by the old Aztecs.




Festa del Grano

During a 4-day festival at the end of April, old grain varieties, such as emmer, einkorn and spelt, play an important role. The event aims at raising people’s awareness of a healthy diet. It was therefore one of the town’s concerns to involve the young people in the event, too.

In an old inner courtyard at Modica, not only producers from the surrounding area present their products, e.g. pasta, bread and pastry made from grain cultivated according to old tradition, but young people from Modica perform dances they have rehearsed themselves and they take an active part in the organization of the festival. 


Procession with typically Sicilian carts (in Sicilian: carrettu)

The origins of the cart painters' craft date back to the times before society became motorized.

The carts are decorated with artful wooden structures, and then fastened with irons. In former times, they were used for the transport of crops, wine and olive oil.


Sagra del Carciofo - Artichoke festival

In April, a lot of festivals on the island of Sicily are dedicated to the artichoke. They count among the most important gastronomic events in spring.
At the weekends in early April, Sagra del Carciofo at the agricultural town of Ramacca in the province of Catania celebrates one of the town’s most important crops, the artichoke.




Every year since 1980, Noto's famous flower festival, the Infiorata, has been taking place on the third Sunday in May. Via Nocolaci, one of the avenues in the heart of Noto's historic Old Town, is then turned into a colorful carpet of flowers.
It's a fascinating spectacle known far beyond the borders of Sicily.  


Classical tragedies at the Greek Theater

From May to June every year, famous Greek tragedies are staged at the Teatro Greco of Syracuse, for example "The Persians" by Aeschylus or plays by Sophocles or Euripides.
The theater dates back to 470 BC and, with seating for 15,000 spectators, it was the largest of the ancient world.

Trecastagni (on the southern slope of Mount Etna)

Festa di Sant'Alfio

Every year, the ceremony starts with spectacular fireworks and the arrival of the pilgrims. The statues of Saints Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino are carried through the village in a procession.
Every year up to 300,000 pilgrims from all over the world come to Trecastagni to honor the saints. 



Palazzolo Acreide

Festa per San Paolo

At the mountain village of Palazzolo Acreide near Noto with its gorgeous Baroque church, the festival in honor of Saint Paolo takes place every year.

Fantastic fireworks open the three-day festivities on Sunday and a top-class pyrotechnical spectacle on Tuesday marks their end. 

San Vito Lo Capo

Festa di San Vito

June 15th honors San Vito Martire, the patron saint of San Vito Lo Capo.

As the fishermen do not want to miss out on celebrating their saint, you find all the fishing boats of San Vito Lo Capo lying at anchor in the harbor.

In the evening, the statue of San Vito Martire is carried in procession through the alleys of the village.




Festa del Mare

The Festa del Mare in honor of Saint Assunta takes place every year on "Ferragosto", August 15th, and it is one of the liveliest festivities at Syracuse.

Besides religious ceremonies, visitors can attend many sports events. The highlight of the Festa del Mare is the regatta in which the five districts of Syracuse compete with each other.

After the awards ceremony, spectacular fireworks over the sea mark the end of the festival.


Festa del Pomodoro

If you have ever tasted the cherry tomatoes from Pachino, you will surely remember their sugary-sweet taste.

In August, Marzamemi, a neighboring fishing village of Pachino, honors of the "red gold" with the Festa del Pomodoro, degustation of course included.




Festa del Grano - Harvest festival

At the harvest festival of Raddusa, farm-fresh vegetables and crops are offered for sale. The festival is accompanied by folk dance performances.


Sagra del Pistacchio - Pistachio festival

At Bronte, there are round about 1,000 pistachio growers, who, on average, cultivate 1 ha of land.

The Sagra del Pistacchio di Bronte takes place every year in late September and/or in early October. The festival includes not only a large offer of delicious pistachio products, but also theater performances, music and exhibitions of various craftsmen and artists.

San Vito Lo Capo

Cous Cous festival

The Cous Cous festival of San Vito Lo Capo takes place every year in September, is one of Sicily's most popular festivals and know far beyond the borders of the island. The festival is an invitation to celebrate together, regardless of culture, nationality etc.

As there are various ways of preparing the wholesome semolina, visitors to the festival might be spoilt for choice as to which of the many dishes to taste. In the evening, the focus is on music and you can feel free to dance at the Cous Cous Live Show.  




Grape harvest on Mount Etna

When summer draws to an end and the days on Sicily are no longer quite so hot, the grape harvest at Piedimonte on Mount Etna starts with an exhilarating festival.

Adults and children dress up and parade through the streets of the village with the harvested fruit.

Zafferana Etnea

Autumn festival Ottobrata

Every Sunday in October, a colorful buzz of activity fills the streets of the small Etna village and Via Roma turns into a promenade. Visitors get to see the prodotti tipici of the Etna region; craftsmen offer information about traditional and partly ancient Sicilian handicraft. From a culinary point of view, Zafferana Etnea is a member of the Slow Food movement.

There are a lot of stands at which you can taste and enjoy the delicacies on offer. In the evening, the local sports field turns into a stage for rock, pop and jazz.

Palazzolo Acreide

Festa di San Michele Arcangelo

Every year, Baroque Palazzolo Acreide honors Archangel Michael with the Festa di San Michele Arcangelo.

Highlight of the festival: the "Festival della voce dei piccolo", a procession of the children, which aims at drawing attention to the well-being of the litlle ones.
Of course, there is also a pompous (church) procession of Palazzolo’s inhabitants.

Breathtaking fireworks mark the end of the multi-day festivities.