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During the last few years, much has been done and accomplished to improve Palermo's public image and to attract more visitors to the city.

Palermo is the capital of Sicily and in any case definitely worth a visit.



During the last few years, much has been done and accomplished to improve Palermo's public image and to attract more visitors to the city.

Palermo is the capital of Sicily and in any case definitely worth a visit.

Palermo - a city with a very special fascination

Sicily’s capital city – you may love it or hate it. The metropolis embraces it all, the dubiousness and misery as well as the colorfulness and variety of the island.

Nevertheless, you should not miss out on visiting this 'contradictory', fascinating city.

It has finally shaken the paralysis which it had been gripped by for decades. The oppressive yoke of the Mafia has been largely thrown off; instead, works of renovation and restoration are in progress everywhere.

A lot of new bars and restaurants open up; run-down districts are rehabilitated or turned into cultural sites. Visiting Sicily's capital is surely worth your while, whether you are interested in art and culture, love good food, just want to get an impression of the city...

Exploring Palermo on foot is the best way of getting to know it. The central landmark in the city center is Quattro Canti (or Piazza Vigliena), at the crossing of Via Maqueda with Via Vittorio Emanuele.

There is quite a lot to see at Palermo - it simply depends on how much time you have got to spare. Must-sees are surely Palazzo dei Normanni, the Norman Palace with magnificent Capella Palatina, and the cathedral of Palermo. Visits to the churches of La Matorana, San Cataldo and San Giovanni degli Eremiti are also worthwhile. From among the museums, you might choose Museo Archeologico and Galleria Regionale di Sicilia.

In the nearer surroundings, the Norman Cathedral of Monreale with its world famous mosaics is worth a closer look.




Our accommodations at Palermo

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Our accommodations are located 1 1/2 hours by car from Palermo at San Vito Lo Capo and Scopello.